


Mai Yoshikawa
For Mai Yoshikawa's latest contributions to The Japan Times, see below:
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2003
Mountain queen not done yet
Imagine all the possibilities. Open up a world map. Decide where, when, how and with whom. Then pack your knapsack and go. It's that simple for Junko Tabei when it comes to climbing mountains, no matter how high.
Apr 30, 2002
Japanese cheerleader back for second season with NFL team
When Ai Yasuda was named to the San Francisco 49ers' Gold Rush cheerleading squad for the second straight year, she realized that although the door may not be wide, it is always open.
Feb 8, 2002
Arimori strides for success in life after marathon
Winning an Olympic medal, you would think, would be the greatest honor an athlete can achieve.
Aug 16, 2001
Japanese cheerleaders dance to beat of San Francisco 49ers gridiron drum
If you thought names such as Ichiro Suzuki and Hideo Nomo were the only Japanese on the American sports scene, think again.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree