


W. Andy Knight
For W. Andy Knight's latest contributions to The Japan Times, see below:
Oct 28, 2003
Coaxing Iran, North Korea
EDMONTON, Canada -- Since no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, some critics of the Bush administration are suggesting that the use of the military option was premature or even unwarranted unless, of course, the goal all along was to overthrow a dangerous despot -- Saddam Hussein. Certainly, one has to wonder why U.S. President George W. Bush chose to "shock and awe" Iraq, while simply sending verbal warnings to both Iran and North Korea.
Sep 24, 2003
Break the Mideast impasse
EDMONTON, Canada -- When the U.N. General Assembly opened its 58th annual session on Sept. 19 with a moment of silence in memory of the U.N. staff killed and injured as a result of the terrorist attack in Baghdad last month, its 191 member governments renewed their pledge to uphold the principles of the U.N. Charter and international law.
Mar 24, 2003
Don't write off U.N. just yet
EDMONTON, Alberta-- The hawks in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush finally got what they wanted -- in New York, as well as in the Middle East. The U.N. Security Council is deeply divided, the U.N. system itself seems paralyzed and a preemptive war is about to win "regime change" in Iraq. Evidence in hand, Washington's isolationists proclaim that they were right all along: The United Nations is an ineffective, inefficient and irrelevant organization destined for the dustbin of history -- just like the League of Nations.


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