Tag - u-s-history



Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 20, 2019
Japan seeks arbitration with South Korea over wartime labor compensation
Tokyo cites a 1965 pact that explicitly declares all compensation issues have been “settled completely and finally.”
Japan Times
May 15, 2019
Saipan residents reflect on Emperor Akihito's 2005 visit to pay respects to war dead
Even 14 years later, the trip by Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko to Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands remains one of the Pacific island's most memorable occasions.
Japan Times
May 14, 2019
Decoding of Jomon woman's genome suggests common ancestor unites Japanese and Han Chinese
A research team led by the National Museum of Nature and Science said Monday it has sequenced and analyzed with high accuracy the whole genome of a woman who lived about 3,500 to 3,800 years ago, in the second half of Japan's Jomon Period, for the first time.
Japan Times
May 14, 2019
UNESCO panel recommends adding Japan's Mozu-Furuichi tombs to World Heritage List
A UNESCO advisory panel has recommended adding two ancient tumulus clusters in western Japan, including the country's largest keyhole-shaped mound, to the World Cultural Heritage list, a government official said Tuesday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 14, 2019
Japan and South Korea foreign ministers likely to meet this month in Paris
Japan and South Korea are arranging for their foreign ministers to meet later this month on the sidelines of a gathering of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, government sources said Monday.
Japan Times
May 8, 2019
A century later, Spanish flu pandemic still holds valuable lessons for Japanese and global health experts
On Oct. 26, 1918, just over two weeks before the end of World War I, readers of The Japan Advertiser, as The Japan Times was named at the time, woke up to the headline "Thousands Dying From Influenza Throughout the World," and an accompanying article detailing the havoc it was wreaking in Japan.
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
May 7, 2019
Annual pilgrimage to Manzanar internment camp for Japanese-Americans still resonates
After he was expelled from college for "inciting a riot" while fighting for African Americans' civil rights and protesting the Vietnam War, Warren Furutani decided it was time to galvanize a Japanese American community that had experienced mass incarceration two decades earlier.
Japan Times
May 5, 2019
Iwo Jima: Where Japan rules but the memory of war dead still reigns
May 4, 2019
Background on the royal instruments for Thai king's coronation
During Thailand's main coronation event for King Maha Vajiralongkorn on Saturday, the monarch was presented with five royal regalia marking the legitimacy of his reign.
Japan Times
May 1, 2019
Tokyo lodges protest as South Korea court is asked to sell Japan firms' assets over wartime labor
Japan protested Wednesday what it sees as inaction by the South Korean government to prevent Japanese corporate assets from being sold as part of a wartime labor dispute.
Japan Times
May 1, 2019
From Meiji to Taisho, Showa and Heisei, how The Japan Times covered previous era changes
"Joyfully and with a mingled sense of awe and reverence did the whole Japanese nation observe the great event of the Ceremony of the Imperial Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor," Japan Times and Mail President Yonejiro Ito wrote in a special edition book published in December 1928 to commemorate...
Japan Times
May 1, 2019
Emperor Akihito abdicates with prayer for peace as Heisei Era ends
The abdication by a living Japanese monarch was the first since 1817.
Japan Times
Apr 30, 2019
China appreciates outgoing Japanese emperor's achievements
China has expressed appreciation for the achievements of Japanese Emperor Akihito, who declared his abdication on Tuesday, saying he has contributed to improving ties between the two nations.
Japan Times
Apr 27, 2019
Hong Kong museum documenting Tiananmen Square massacre reopens ahead of anniversary
A museum documenting the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre has reopened in Hong Kong after a three-year hiatus, marking the 30th anniversary of the bloody crackdown on a pro-democracy protest.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2019
Hiroshima museum displays new photos and possessions left by A-bomb victims
New displays of photos and personal belongings left by victims of atomic bombings were unveiled Wednesday at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2019
Cross-party group of around 70 lawmakers visits Japan's war-linked Yasukuni Shrine
A cross-party group of about 70 lawmakers visited the controversial Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday during its annual spring festival to pay respects to Japan's war dead.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2019
Abe sends ritual tree offering to war-linked Yasukuni Shrine for spring festival
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sends a ritual offering to Yasukuni Shrine, which is regarded as a symbol of Japan's past militarism by some other Asian countries.
Japan Times
Apr 20, 2019
Emperor Go-Daigo: The pride before a fall
The anonymous 14th-century chronicle 'Masukagami' ('The Clear Mirror,' translated by George Perkins), dramatically details the trials and errors of Emperor Go-Daigo, the 96th emperor of Japan.
Japan Times
Apr 18, 2019
Notre Dame to get temporary wooden cathedral during rebuilding
Catholic worshippers feeling orphaned by the fire that ravaged part of Notre Dame will be welcomed in an "ephemeral cathedral" of wood in front of the Paris monument until it reopens, Notre Dame's chief priest said Thursday.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 17, 2019
Abe to issue apology to victims of forced sterilization under Japan's now-defunct eugenics law
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to issue a statement offering a state apology to those who were subject to forced sterilization under a now-defunct eugenics law, government sources said.


People wait for the main act to begin at Summer Sonic, which holds simultaneous music festivals for those in Tokyo and Osaka.
Can Japan's summer music festivals adapt to a post-pandemic reality?