Tag - ted-cruz



Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 29, 2013
Looking to 2016, Rubio and Paul rush to join Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz might have alienated the Republican establishment with his all-night polemic against the Affordable Care Act. But that doesn't mean the caustic Texan didn't win any friends in Washington. As Cruz's 21-hour speech dragged on, GOP Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Rand Paul of Kentucky were among the supporters who joined him on the Senate floor.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Sep 25, 2013
Cruz, party tangle over U.S. shutdown
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz escalated his conflict with fellow Republicans Tuesday when he stepped up his attacks on President Barack Obama's signature health care law, complicating House GOP efforts to pass a funding bill that would avert a government shutdown next week.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 20, 2013
Texas Sen. Cruz vows to renounce Canadian citizenship
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz announced Monday evening that he will renounce his Canadian citizenship, less than 24 hours after a newspaper pointed out that the Canadian-born senator likely maintains dual citizenship.


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