Tag - sumo



Japan Times
Jun 20, 2010
Who pays for sumo?
Sumo wrestlers don't make huge salaries but they can get a lot of yen in other ways.
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Feb 8, 2010
Japan by the numbers (02.08.10)
What's going on in Japan, by the numbers.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Sep 30, 2009
What's in the cards for the future of sumo?
Relying on the tried-and-test cute formula, the beleaguered sumo association rolls out 'sekitori-kun,' a series of chicken little mascots.
Reader Mail
Apr 27, 2008
One-sided view of military burden
Your April 15 editorial "Funding for U.S. military facilities" is, unfortunately, consistent with a trend that's fairly prevalent in the Japanese media -- the one-sided theme of the "burden" borne by Japan for hosting U.S. military facilities. In this editorial the burden was financial, in others it dwells on the myth of disproportionate crime, noise, etc.
Reader Mail
Apr 24, 2008
Keep out torch-protection unit
Recently I saw video footage of members of the Chinese government's Olympic Games Sacred Flame Protection Unit -- reportedly from the same paramilitary People's Armed Police that crush protesters in Beijing and Tibet -- roughing up Britons in Britain and Frenchmen in France. It is odd that the Olympic torch is considered more "sacred" than the citizens of other countries (including legendary athletes like Sebastian Coe) on their own soil. As a Christian who believes that individual life is a sacred gift, I pray for people of all faiths, as well as those of no faith, to be less afraid of, and readier to love, one another.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree