Tag - phishing



Japan Times
Mar 2, 2020
Criminals are taking advantage of fear over COVID-19
Where some people see calamity, criminals see opportunity. As concern grows over the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan, the denizens of the underworld haven't lost any time trying to find a way to profit from the situation. Crime, like the virus, never sleeps.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2018
Record 2.9 million people in Japan led to fake websites in first half of 2018 as phishing attacks spike: report
According to a report by a major internet security firm, in the first half of this year a record 2.9 million people in Japan were directed through phishing emails to fake websites created to steal sensitive information.
Japan Times
Dec 21, 2017
Cybersecurity survey in Japan finds 20,000 fake shopping sites
The National Police Agency warns the sites are designed to swindle money from shoppers, often after they use search engines to find information about products they want to buy.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Aug 22, 2014
JPMorgan customers targeted in email phishing campaign
Fraudsters are targeting JPMorgan Chase & Co customers in an email phishing campaign that is unusual because it attempts to collect credentials for that bank and also infect PCs with a virus for stealing passwords from other institutions.
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Aug 20, 2014
U.S. government's nuclear watchdog victim of cyberattacks: report
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission was "successfully hacked" three times in recent years in attacks involving tainted emails, according to an internal investigation on cyberattacks at the agency, Nextgov.com reported on Tuesday.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces