Tag - japan



Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 14, 2010
Good-luck charms change with the times
The tradition of carrying a spiritually blessed good-luck charm is getting an update.
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Apr 12, 2010
Japan by the numbers (04.12.10)
Japan says yes to pink shirts, but not so positive about smart phones and iPads.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / Japan Pulse
Apr 11, 2010
With Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, is a hit for the PSP at hand?
Konami bets the farm on mobile gaming and product tie-ins with the highly anticipated release of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP.
Apr 11, 2010
Okinawa Ball
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 9, 2010
Office ladies shedding the uniform look
Fashion for office ladies used to be limited to monotonous uniforms as more companies lighten up, new ensembles are coming out of the closet.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Apr 9, 2010
Kings of comedy yuck it up on April Fools
While satire isn't a staple among Japanese humorists, two kings of comedy are leading the way.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 8, 2010
New hobbies for swinging into spring
With the start of the financial/academic year, April is a time for a fresh start and taking up a new hobby.
Apr 8, 2010
Surgery Saw
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 5, 2010
Japan by the numbers (04.05.10)
Japan shares its thoughts on attractive women, virtual hanami and Hatoyama's inability to solve the Futenma issue.
Apr 4, 2010
Wages Magnified
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 2, 2010
Crowd-sourcing sakura viewers
For decades it was the Japan Meteorological Agency's duty to keep on eye on the nation's pink sakura front. Now it's up to everyone.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Apr 2, 2010
Tools you can trust for the perfect hanami
Cherry-blossom viewing parties don't always go as planned but new mobile apps reduce the risk of a hanami fail.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Apr 1, 2010
NHK engages its viewers in a 'global' debate
NHK wants to start a global debate about global issues but will people outside Japan join the conversation?
Apr 1, 2010
Exloited Species Menu
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Mar 29, 2010
Will a coven of Witch Girls grow in Japan?
Joining Japan's girls of the Forest, Swamp and Mountain are the Witch Girls. Question is, how potent will their spell be?
Mar 28, 2010
Election Wave
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2010
Tri-lingual system proposed for world communications
May 15, 1939
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2010
Death of Yeats end of Irish literary revival, says Pound, Noh enthusiast
June 5, 1939
Japan Times
JAPAN / History
Mar 28, 2010
Our man, Mr. Pound
On May 15, 1939, readers of The Japan Times were introduced to a new correspondent — although, in literary circles, at least, he needed no introduction. He was Ezra Pound, then a 53-year-old American Modernist poet who could boast accomplishments that included having launched the career of T.S. Eliot....
Japan Times
Mar 28, 2010
Letter from Rapallo
Aug. 12, 1940


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?