Tag - ghost



Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jul 18, 2015
Tales from the crypt: ghost stories from Japan
On a damp afternoon in early July, almost two dozen people sat in silence in a dark room on the sixth floor of a building located right next to Sensoji Temple in Tokyo's Asakusa district. The audience has come to Amuse Museum to hear two presenters — storyteller Chinatsu Ushidaki, who performs under her stage name, "Senka Ushidaki," and rakugo comic storyteller Sanyutei Kakitsu — deliver their personal adaptations of a folk ghost story titled "Bancho Sarayashiki" ("The Story of Okiku").
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2015
'Ghost in the Shell' prequel fleshes out characters' origins
Internationally renowned sci-fi anime series "Ghost in the Shell" is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new prequel, "Ghost in the Shell: The Movie."
Jan 28, 2015
Linux makers release patch to thwart new 'Ghost' cyberthreat
Red Hat Inc. and other makers of the widely used Linux operating system for business computers updated their software on Tuesday to thwart a serious new cybe threat they warned could allow hackers to gain remote control of their systems.
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2014
Dead reckoning in the haunts of Honancho
Halloween in Tokyo rarely gets scarier than the price of imported pumpkins, but I've heard that Honancho — a terminal station on the Marunouchi subway line — hosts an uber-spooky obakeyashiki (ghost house). Navigating the station's dank, barely-lit stairwell at Exit 2, I'm already apprehensive.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2014
Hato Bus to beef up popular Tokyo ghost story tours
Tokyo sightseeing bus operator Hato Bus Co. said Wednesday it will offer more of its popular bus and boat tours to famous "haunted" places with a professional storyteller.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2014
Joni Waka: 'Learn to be happy with only one rice ball'
I have never grown up and never hope to, as dreams and fantasies tend to wilt and die in the harsh reality of adults.
Aug 24, 2013
Chilling tales are tops when trying to beat the heat
Perhaps stemming from the belief that hearing a scary story will send a chill down the spine and provide welcome relief from the summer heat, August is Japan's favorite season for traditional tales of horror. At local festivals and in theme parks, the obake yashiki (haunted house) is a standby for dating couples. A few of the bolder ones might even head for the sites of historic murders or hauntings, such as the shrine to O-Iwa, located a short walk from Yotsuya-Sanchome Station on the Marunouchi Subway Line. It is said to memorialize a young woman who was killed by an unfaithful husband who coveted her inheritance. She then returned to wreak terrible vengeance, as featured in Tsuruya Nanboku's celebrated 1825 kabuki drama, "Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan."


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces