Tag - energy



Oct 23, 2013
Nuclear industry amalgamation mulled
The government is discussing a radical overhaul of the nuclear power sector that would combine the nation's 50 operating reactors into a single company to rebuild an industry that's been effectively halted by the Fukushima disaster.
Oct 19, 2013
Fukushima 2020: Will Japan be able to keep the nuclear situation under control?
Thirty seconds into what may ultimately be regarded as one of the defining speeches of his career, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe slowly raised his hands chest high, then spread them out sideways in a gesture of confidence.
Oct 3, 2013
New spill at No. 1 laid to typhoon miscalculation
An apparent miscalculation amid a typhoon caused a storage tank to overflow at the wrecked Fukushima No. 1 power plant, releasing about 430 liters of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean, Tokyo Electric Power Co. reveals.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2013
'Frack off': U.K. energy debate erupts
This might seem a bizarre place for a battle over energy policy in Britain.
Sep 23, 2013
Let the world help at Fukushima No. 1
Readers' mails on the Fukushima fiasco and the late, great Mary Sisk Noguchi, Kanji Clinic columnist and friend to Japanese learners around the world.
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 17, 2013
Japan warned U.S. of blackout risk
The U.S. Department of Energy was informed by Japanese officials that the world's third-largest economy risked a catastrophic power failure as it prepared to close its last operating nuclear reactor last year.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2013
Fukushima and the right to responsible government
A responsibility-shirking government is ultimately the people's problem — and responsibility — just as much as the nuclear disaster and all the nation's other problems are, argues Colin P.A. Jones.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2013
Osaka: What on Earth should be done about the deteriorating situation at Fukushima No. 1?
As Tepco plays 'whack-a-mole' with myriad problems at the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, readers offer their advice to the utility and Abe's government.
Sep 10, 2013
Global LNG client group eyed to cut import costs
Japan, the world's biggest buyer of liquefied natural gas, plans to form an international consumer group to study ways of reducing import costs.
Japan Times
Sep 9, 2013
Filmmaker revisits the children of Fukushima's 'Grey Zone'
Ian Thomas Ash has won acclaim and awards at film festivals around the world for 'A2-B-C,' the second of a pair of documentaries about children living in towns a stone's throw from Fukushima No. 1.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2013
Fukushima: health disaster or PR fail?
One thing about having a nuclear accident in a rich country is that at least there is going to be good medical care and long-term monitoring. The repair and clean-up operation is another matter, of course — which is why Japan is currently under pressure to accept help from abroad in fixing the appalling...
BUSINESS / Companies
Sep 5, 2013
Fuel-cell market ripe due to Fukushima: Bloom Energy
Japan is primed following the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami to adopt more power supply devices that can withstand disasters and complement services provided by utilities, Bloom Energy Japan Ltd. said.
BUSINESS / Companies
Sep 3, 2013
Sumitomo, NGK win energy tender
NGK Insulators Ltd. and a group led by Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. have been picked for a project aimed at reducing the cost of storage systems that can help integrate clean energy onto the grid.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?