Tag - christoph-waltz



Japan Times
Dec 3, 2015
James Bond deals with some old ghosts in 'Spectre'
It has been a long time since the world of "Bond, James Bond" has included global gang of evil-doers SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) — an organization that, early on, produced so many formidable foes.
Japan Times
May 13, 2015
Terry Gilliam back on form with 'The Zero Theorem'
Terry Gilliam's "The Zero Theorem," like most of his films, focuses on the all-too-thin line between sanity and insanity, reality and delusion. Its steampunk-meets-cyberpunk visual style is a wonderful jumble that's reminiscent of his much loved "Brazil," with touches like a computer mainframe that looks like a blast furnace, or personally targeted advertising blasting commercials for The Church of Batman the Redeemer.
Japan Times
Mar 1, 2013
Inequity of slavery reaps vengeance in 'Django'
Quentin Tarantino, whose film plots are often fueled by a mania for vengeance, has struck again with the Oscar-winning “Django Unchained.”
Japan Times
Mar 1, 2013
'Django Unchained'
Way back in 1992 there appeared a hot new indie flick called "Reservoir Dogs" by a then-unknown video-rental clerk turned director called Quentin Tarantino. This newcomer's knack was to take a classic genre movie — the heist flick — and pump it full of gabby and intensely quotable dialogue, multiple cinephile references, a hipper-than-hip soundtrack and a squirm-inducing torture scene.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces