Tag - ben-whishaw



Japan Times
Jan 25, 2017
'Suffragette': The strength of women
Believe it or not, "Suffragette" is the first feature film out of Britain to focus exclusively on the suffragette movement. What took the country so long? Completed last year, it has finally made it to Japan, and in the light of all that's happening in Western politics, it couldn't be coming out at a better time.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Film / Wide Angle
Jan 25, 2017
Helen Pankhurst: The suffragettes were just the beginning
As women march to protest Donald Trump's presidency and "Suffragette" is released in Japan, the words of Helen Pankhurst, activist and British suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst's great-granddaughter, should resonate with many filmgoers.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2016
'The Lobster' offers a sci-fi solution for 'sexless Japan'
Back in the 1990s, an unmarried woman in Japan who was 25 or older might have been called a "Christmas cake." The term equated them with the seasonal cakes that were sold for half price after Dec. 24, and it contained an explicit warning for women: Catch a man before you turn 25 because that's your official sell-by date. It embodied Japan's embarrassing tendency to discriminate against women. But a mere two decades later, it's single Japanese men that are the target of this societal get-married-or-else pressure. And here's a movie that delves into that very issue — a wry, dry, brutally cynical work called "The Lobster."
Japan Times
May 27, 2015
Capturing the grief and confusion of an immigrant Asian mother
Asian mothers always seem to overdo it — both in real life and in cinema.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces