Is 93 too old to change your view and embrace a new idea? Not, it seems, if you are U.S. statesman Henry Kissinger, who is reported now to have concluded that Brexit is no bad thing. It is good news that one of the wisest minds in the West has grasped that the British reaction against over-centralized and over-intrusive European administration is just part of a larger pattern of forces operating in the digital age, and affecting societies, politics and attitudes everywhere — certainly throughout the rest of the European region — and that it could have positive outcomes.

For far too long there has been a Washington establishment tendency to get the European scene wrong and assume that a conjoined and compacted United State of Europe is just round the corner, and represents strength and progress.

Now the realities of the digital age, which work in the opposite direction, toward decentralization, localization, diversity and flexibility, could at least be coming home to thinking Americans concerned with events and responsibilities in the wider world outside.