If you're American, be thankful there's no God. Because if there were a Supreme Deity, and His take on personal accountability resembled Judeo-Christian mythology in the slightest, he would smite your oblivious apathetic ass for failing to overthrow a government responsible for something as evil as Barack Obama's drone war.

Even for the few of us who have been paying close attention to what the U.S. government is doing in Pakistan and other targets of "targeted killing" campaigns carried out by the CIA and Air Force, a new study by the human rights organization Reprieve contains new revelations about drones that are shocking and appalling.

As the U.K. newspaper The Guardian reports, targeted killings are anything but: "Even when operators target specific individuals — the most focused effort of what U.S. President Barack Obama calls "targeted killing" — they kill vastly more people than their targets, often needing to strike multiple times."