Regarding the May 10 Timeout feature "Blurring the boundaries": I believe there is a social aspect that the writer did not go into. This current generation of 20- and 30-year-olds were most likely raised entirely by their mothers. That means their fathers, being more "carnivorous" and aggressive about a job and career, spent most of their time out of the home environment. The absence of a father's presence, nurturing, affection and attention in a boy's life is an unnatural void.

These boys grow up resenting their fathers for not being around. They naturally gravitate toward their mothers who lack the fatherly attributes to instill in the boy. They don't want to be like their fathers — aggressive, career-minded, putting job first and family second. It feels more healthy, normal and natural to these "herbivorous" boys/men to behave more like women due to excessive motherly nurturing and lack of fatherly nurturing. Certainly, there are no absolutes here, but I do believe that growing up with an emotionally absent father has a profound effect on the outcome when the boy grows up.

isaku uchiyama