Regarding the April 10 article "Nintendo aims to turn DS device into learning tool, guide": As a recent visitor to Japan as well as a history teacher in the state of New York, it never ceases to amaze me the extent to which Japan and the industries within Japan are consistently at the forefront of technology and innovation.

As a teacher, I have often desired the ability to offer my students an exciting avenue to learn about the world around them. While there are many wonderful technologies that offer the ability to do that, the gaming world and Nintendo in particular, is something that consistently peaks student interest. I firmly believe that bringing the Nintendo products into the classroom can help advance student achievement.

I have spoken to other teachers and principals about this idea and some of them use the DS for helping with math facts at the elementary level. It would be tremendous if Nintendo could expand its games to meet the learning standards of all of the major content areas through all of the grade levels.

As the world changes, so too does the education process. Unfortunately there are still too many people who do not recognize the possibilities of all the amazing technology that could enhance student learning. It is great to see Nintendo leading the way into the future of learning. If Nintendo Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto ever needs help testing his new products and ideas, I would be more than happy to help!

timothy fitzgerald