The March 1 editorial "Nuclear tragedy in the Pacific" brings dramatic, convincing evidence and arguments that Japan should work together with the United States toward creating a world free of nuclear weapons. However, it is necessary to be more specific on this vital matter, as nuclear weapons pose the most serious threat to the survival of mankind.

A multilateral, universal and binding agreement prohibiting the use of, or the threat to use, nuclear weapons would contribute to the creation of a climate for negotiations leading to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the Geneva Conference on Disarmament, during its 2008 session, was unable to undertake negotiations on this subject.

Inspired by its tragic experience, Japan is expected to participate more actively in collective efforts in 2009 to bring about conditions in international relations in which at least a code of peaceful conduct of nations in world affairs could be agreed upon. That global code must prohibit the use of, or threat to use, nuclear weapons under any circumstances.

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