In his Dec. 9 letter, "Japanese seem easy to brainwash," Grant Piper appears a little un-evenhanded in claiming that Japanese have cornered the market on susceptibility to brainwashing. I'm sorry to say Americans are just as easily brainwashed.

Do I really need to give examples? Here's a hint: W, M, D (weapons of mass destruction). During the buildup to the Iraq invasion in 2003, I wore myself out trying to reason with American friends to counter the government-coordinated propaganda aided by an uncritical if not cooperative media. The brainwashing in America continues with the Iran-menace fairy tale and the ever-evolving epic fantasy of "clashing civilizations."

I understand, though, the frustration Piper feels with Japan. I too grow weary of the fad mentality that accounts for mindless brand loyalty that in turn accounts for the success of a variety of mediocre people, places and things that I try not to dwell on.

robert lezzi