Gregory Clark delivers another, predictable anti-Australia rant in his April 12 article, "Australia's anti-China pact," which is full of hypocrisies and a barely concealed loathing for his former country.

What he does not reveal is that the Whitlam "progressive" government (1972-1975) that he lauds was also the same that, with wholehearted enthusiasm, was behind the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. He cites this in the same article as an example of Australian duplicity -- he can't have it both ways.

The security pact with Japan is a completely rational step in normalizing relations, and only a fevered intellect would cast it as anti-Chinese. Indeed, Chinese commentators have said much the same and that it does not pose any problems. Clark is stuck in increasingly bitter slanging that says more about his prejudices than about the matters he writes about.

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