NEW YORK -- An Amnesty International report severely criticizes the Israeli Defense Forces's behavior during the recent war in Lebanon and calls for an independent commission of inquiry. Such a commission should investigate the actions of not only the IDF but also Hezbollah, as civilians were the main losers in the conflict. According to Amnesty International, during the more than four weeks of war, Lebanon's infrastructure suffered destruction "on a catastrophic scale." The Israeli Air Force conducted more than 7,000 air attacks, while the Israeli Navy carried out 2,500 bombardments, in response to Hezbollah rocket fire.

As a result of these attacks and those of the Israeli Army, 1,183 people were killed, one-third of them children. In addition, more than 4,000 people were injured and almost 1 million people were displaced.

Civilians were harmed not only as a result of direct attacks but also as a consequence of the destruction of vital infrastructure. The Lebanese government estimates that 31 "vital points" (airports, ports, water and sewage treatment plants, electrical facilities) have been totally or partially destroyed.