WASHINGTON -- Things look a little rosier in the U.S. economy at the moment, with the stock market roaring at last. You may remember that 2002 was the worst year for the stock market for 25 years. The Dow closed in 2002 at 8,341.63, down 16.8 percent. In 2003 it closed at 10,453.92, the highest in almost two years. America's unemployment rate is trickling down a bit and people's confidence is definitely on the upswing.

All hail to the commander in chief, it seems. If it weren't for those ticklish little problems like Iraq and the national debt, U.S. President George W. Bush could relax and look forward to a simple re-election campaign.

December polling looked better for Bush. His re-election rating hit 51 percent for the first time in months and ratings for his handling of the economy even perked up into the mid-40s -- all because former Iraq President Saddam Hussein was pulled out of a hole near Tikrit. Amazing what capturing one ex-despot can do for the American spirit.