This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of the arrival of "Pokemon Go" in Japan. There is no shortage of ways to celebrate this milestone, ranging from visiting one of the city's Pokemon Centers to pick up some merch to trying out the smartphone app's latest features ... assuming the network doesn't crash on you while trying to catch an Articuno.

For those wanting something easier, head to McDonald's, where you can get a limited-edition Pikachu Choco Banana McFlurry (¥290). As the name implies, the sweet ice cream-ish treat brings banana and chocolate together in a way that vaguely resembles the color scheme of the world's most famous Pokemon. More recognizable perhaps are the cups that this item comes in, featuring the yellow critter in various emotional states. We are fond of the dejected Pikachu.

The dessert itself hinges entirely on one flavor: banana. More specifically, the somewhat unsettling artificial banana flavor that dominates this sweet.

The chocolate and vanilla also come through, but this treat is permeated by the sort of tart taste you most normally find in candy. If you like that sensation, you'll like this.

If you are like me and feel unnerved by it, you can always just brave the connectivity issues and see if you can catch some Pokemon instead.