"How can I learn more about Japanese pottery?" is a question I'm often asked. The answer is simple: Get out and see as much as you can.

Department stores and galleries are always a good place to periodically visit, but another way is to haunt the antique markets that can be found throughout Japan. That's one thing that I've done. Have you ever been to one? It's like walking into your grandmother's attic and seeing all kinds of goods from days gone by, as well as some contemporary items. Not only pottery but glass, textiles, toys, baskets and much more. You never know what you're going to find -- sometimes a little treasure, sometimes you walk away empty-handed because nothing caught your eye. I figure that I purchase something about once or twice in 10 visits but I always learn a lot.

And that's the point. The markets are open libraries and allow you to sharpen your eye as well as your knowledge about what is good and what is not. Trust what appeals to you and don't rely too much on the advice of the dealers. After only a short time of observing them I realized that often they have no clue as to what they're selling. "Buyer beware" never rang truer.