A film that zeroes in on the forced enthusiasm of New Year's Eve celebrations, "200 Cigarettes" will certainly appeal to those who are already tiring of this year's millennial madness. As one cynic in the film puts it, "Every year it's the same desperate scrambling around, pretending to be happy."

Cue up NYC's East Village, New Year's Eve, 1981, where safety pins were fashion accessories, Soho had caught the scent of art money and Elvis Costello was second only to Johnny Rotten as a snotty young punk icon. (Hard to believe now, but true.) Debut director (and former Hollywood casting director) Risa Bramon Garcia employs an impressive cast -- featuring Ben and Casey Affleck, Christina Ricci, Courtney Love, Janeane Garofalo and more -- to follow more than a dozen hip, young urbanites as their party orbits spin toward a collision at the stroke of midnight.

Throwing that party is Monica (Martha Plimpton), who views its success as crucial to her own standing in the downtown social scene. When no one has shown up by 10 p.m., she starts to freak out (a weird premise, considering that no one ever shows up for a downtown party before midnight). Even her best friend Hillary (Catherine Kellner) threatens to leave, a move which is only prevented when Monica promises to set her up with her ex-boyfriend Eric (Brian McCardle).