Toby Siguenza
ALT, 28 (American)
I'm not averse to eating whale because of the whole whaling controversy, but because when I tried it I thought it just tasted nasty. It was like eating a bleeding piece of flesh.

Sachiko Kasakura
Housewife, 47
Whaling is part of Japanese culture. If it turned out that we couldn't whale anymore, then the ending of that important tradition would be quite a disappointment.

Yoshi Kamisho
Craftsman, 28
I've eaten whale all my life. It's part of the food culture in the Kinki region. I don't understand why Greenpeace, etc. are concerned about whales but not cows, for example.

Miyuki Takahashi
Makeup artist, 45
Japanese people don't really care which fish they eat. I think they are only just beginning to consider that people in the West have special feelings about whales and dolphins.

Chris Borman
Teacher, 26 (American)
I've been an environmentalist all my life. I'm glad that the international community is monitoring — and in some cases interfering with — Japan's whaling ships.