Ison Kawada
Fashion Industry, 25
It's not restricted for people under 18, so they can buy it anywhere. For magazines and DVDs, you don't need ID to buy them, but I think under 18s should show ID.

Antoinette Mc Donnell
Wellness Const., 33
You see old men kind of dribbling over the mangas all the time in shops. I think there's a link between it and children being molested.

Daniel Kidd
English Teacher, 24
You see pictures of a school girl walking past an ojisan and he's breaking into a sweat. It's not explicitly pornographic, but it is disturbing.

Eric Bourbonnais
Education, 30
I'm not sure if it's a problem, or just cultural. There are better ways to release frustration than reading rape manga, but it's better than violence in the streets.

Shizuko Ueda
Fashion Designer, 37
Pornographic manga should be sold separately, not at a regular bookstore. It's not against the law, it's a freedom, so it's okay for adults.

Danny Guthrie
Art Professor, 57
I'm against all censorship. People should discuss the issue, and hope social pressure can resolve it, but it's not good to trade one oppression for another.