
JTO 2.0: Into the future of new media

The leader in English-language news on Japan takes a step into the future of new media

The Japan Times, the nation's oldest and most widely read English-language newspaper, achieved another milestone today with a new radically redesigned website built for mobility and the future.

Utilizing the cutting-edge technology of HTML5 and responsive design, the new website displays pages automatically sized on the fly that can fit the specifications of a multitude of devices, from widescreen TVs to tablet PCs to compact smartphones. No installation of an application is necessary; it all happens by merely accessing with a device’s web browser.

Founded in 1897, The Japan Times has long been the premier source of English-language news in Japan and has, over the decades, evolved to meet the needs of its readers.

Similar to steps made last year by sites such as the Boston Globe and the Houston Chronicle, the redesign of The Japan Times' site not only opens the media company's content up to a larger number of readers but also showcases its high-quality news and features in an easy-to-read format featuring crisp typography and high-resolution photos. Among major newspaper websites in Japan, it is the first of its kind.

Whether it be via a PC mouse or the flick of a finger, readers browsing on different devices and platforms can enjoy the same user experience. Because it all happens in a browser, readers can seamlessly move between the site and their mail and other social media applications.

Over the coming months, The Japan Times will add more content catering to the needs of its readers and continue to showcase the possibilities of new media.

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