Tag - wayne-wang



Japan Times
Dec 7, 2016
'Smoke': the movie that blazed a trail for indies
Just in time for Christmas, Yebisu Garden Cinema is reviving a film that was one of the cinema's biggest hits in the 1990s, director Wayne Wang's "Smoke," in a crisp new digital remastered version. Watching it again after all these years, it's hard not to feel a little pang, for in many ways it recalls days gone by.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016
Takeshi Kitano and the men who watch women sleeping
An older man, a much younger woman and a mystery that surrounds their relationship — for the Japanese, it's a familiar story. The woman doesn't say much, letting her youthful allure and beauty do most of the talking. The man doesn't say much either; he's more interested in looking at and pampering her, as if she were an exotic orchid rather than a human being. And the story of their mysterious relationship unfolds against the backdrop of a seaside hotel and its pool, a symbol of desire and obsession.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016
Languorous women and amorous men in Wayne Wang's first Japanese film
An extended stay at a resort hotel, seaside villa or a similar escape hatch is only a dream for most of Japan's working adults. But local filmmakers — who are in the dream business — have made enough ensemble dramas about romantic/erotic entanglements in such places to launch a small subgenre. Wayne Wang's moody drama "While The Women Are Sleeping" ("Onna ga Nemuru Toki") is the latest addition to that subgenre, with an all-Japanese cast and an international staff headed by the Hong Kong-born director. Based on a short story by Spanish novelist Javier Marias, the film is set in an upscale resort hotel on the Izu Peninsula — a popular destination for generations of Tokyo holidaymakers — and unfolds over the course of five days, which is at least three more than the average punter here could spare.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces