Tag - washington-d-c



Sep 27, 2017
Washington state nixes permit to build terminal for Asia-bound coal, cites environmental grounds
Washington state on Tuesday rejected a key permit needed for a proposed terminal to export coal to Asia, another blow to companies eager to sell Wyoming and Montana coal to Asian markets and to the Trump administration's policy of global energy dominance.
Japan Times
Jul 21, 2017
Musk tweets he got verbal OK to start work on New York-Washington underground 'hyperloop'
Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk on Thursday said he had received "verbal" approval to start building a high-speed underground transport system linking New York and Washington that could cut travel time between the cities to about half an hour.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 17, 2017
Collins says up to 10 Republican senators dislike GOP health bill; poll finds most in U.S. favor Obamacare
Eight to 10 Republican U.S. senators have serious concerns about Republican health care legislation to roll back Obamacare, moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who opposes the bill, said on Sunday.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2017
Rakuten bans ivory sales via online mall as activist outcry grows
Online retailer Rakuten bans ivory products from its shopping site in response to international criticism that it is abetting illegal trade in ivory.
May 31, 2017
Mattis to focus on North Korea at Asian forum as allies seek clear U.S. policy
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is expected to press for greater cooperation to contain North Korea's nuclear and missile threat at a regional security forum in Singapore later this week, where for years Washington has sought to spotlight China's expansion in the strategic South China Sea.
WORLD / Politics
May 10, 2017
U.S. Senate Republican leader opposes new Russia investigation
The U.S. Senate majority leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, said on Wednesday he did not support any additional investigation into whether Russia influenced the 2016 U.S. election, saying as he opened the Senate that it would "impede" probes already under way.
May 3, 2017
Trump nominee for China ambassador promises firm line on Beijing
President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to China promised on Tuesday to take a firm line with Beijing on issues from North Korea to trade disputes and human rights, and seemed poised for an easy confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2017
Wall has Wizards in chase for Eastern Conference top seed
The NBA's most unexpected and overlooked, if not undeserving, Most Valuable Player candidate this season has had perhaps the most unusual of career arcs.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 11, 2017
Abe and Trump take baby steps on trade
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump kick off their summit talks in Florida with an agreement to launch a new bilateral dialogue on trade.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 3, 2017
Onaga looks to Trump for change in U.S. policy on bases
Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga expressed hope Thursday that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump will adopt a new policy toward U.S. military bases on the island prefecture.
Japan Times
Jan 24, 2017
Wideouts Beckham, Bryant showing new maturity
Despite Odell Beckham Jr.'s recent misadventures, MAS believes the New York Giants receiver is in the process of ditching his diva persona.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2017
Tomooka says young athletes should play different sports
The term "strength and conditioning" in sports is relatively unknown in Japan, and specialty coaches are often confused with athletic trainers, who are skilled in prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 20, 2017
Fortress Washington braces for anti-Trump protests and biker allies ready to step in
Washington turned into a virtual fortress on Thursday ahead of Donald Trump's presidential inauguration, with police ready to step in to separate protesters from Trump supporters at any sign of unrest during the festivities.
WORLD / Politics
Jan 11, 2017
Kremlin says it has no compromising dossier on Trump
The Kremlin said on Wednesday it was "total nonsense" that Russian officials had assembled a file of compromising information on U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.
Japan Times
Dec 13, 2016
College Football Playoff needs to expand to be fair
Now, more than ever, it's time for the U.S. College Football Playoff field to expand to six, possibly even eight teams.
Nov 12, 2016
Watanabe scores 18 in season debut
George Washington junior Yuta Watanabe shined in the school's season opener, scoring 18 points and grabbing six rebounds in the Colonials' 75-71 win on Friday night over the University of Maryland-Eastern Shore.
Oct 9, 2016
U.S. envoy Power says Washington will use all available means to pressure North Korea
Washington will use all available means outside the U.N. Security Council to isolate North Korea over its nuclear weapons program and counter its growing threat to world order, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations said Sunday.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2016
No-nonsense skipper Baker a good fit for title-contending Nationals
"Do you think you've ended up spoiling the teams you've managed previously?", MAS asked Dusty Baker, during a pregame chat with the Washington Nationals first-year skipper.
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2016
TPP foe Trump set to blast trade in trade-dependent Boeing's backyard
Republican Donald Trump, who has made his criticism of a pending Pacific trade agreement central to his campaign, on Tuesday was to visit a Seattle suburb that is home to a large Boeing Co. plane manufacturing facility that depends heavily on sales to Asian markets.
Japan Times
Aug 24, 2016
Colonials expect Tokyo trip to be springboard for Watanabe
Yuta Watanabe made a heroic return to his home country during a recent trip by the George Washington University basketball team.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan