Tag - technology-2



Mar 11, 2015
The future looks bright for clean technology
Despite convulsions in the sector, the clean-tech industry can expect plenty of sunny days ahead.
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2015
Virtual technology resurrects ancient sites
Mixing virtual reality from the past with present-day reality may sound confusing but it's actually a simple concept.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Science & Health
Feb 21, 2015
Japan's adherence to nuclear power critical at home and overseas: MIT luminary
Japan's continued commitment to atomic energy will be important in reducing its emissions and also in improving global nuclear safety, the head of MIT's nuclear science department says.
Feb 20, 2015
New tech isn't paying off as much as before
We are not getting our money's worth from the 'creative destruction' process that the economist Joseph Schumpeter trumpeted. For example, the technology that makes social networking possible monetizes activities that used to be outside the market's purview, while leaving us open to criminal and governmental cyber assaults.
Feb 15, 2015
Growth-stunting technology
Though information and communications technology has made remarkable strides since 1991, it appears to have stunted Japan's economic growth rate.
Japan Times
Feb 13, 2015
Sights from the 18th Japan Media Arts Festival
The 18th Japan Media Arts Festival presented prizewinning art in various categories but also plenty of food for thought regarding technology's role in today's art and society.
Feb 4, 2015
Israel ramps up Asia trade ties as government urges shift from EU amid anti-Semitism
Israeli companies are increasingly turning to Asia to capture a boom in demand for their technology, as the government urges them to diversify export markets in response to Europe's rising anti-Semitism and potential trade sanctions.
Japan Times
Jan 11, 2015
AIST brings mind-reading technology closer to reality
Communicating via brain waves, by merely thinking, may seem like a notion out of the world of science fiction, but it would be a dream come true for people who are physically unable to express themselves.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Dec 26, 2014
Digital detox retreats let stressed Japanese log out
While many tourists go to great lengths to always be digitally accessible, a growing number of gadget-weary travelers in Japan are seeing what it is like to leave behind mobile phones and social media services altogether.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Dec 16, 2014
Sharp to supply 'free-form' LCDs to Nintendo
Sharp Corp. is close to providing video game maker Nintendo Co. with its advanced liquid crystal displays that can be shaped freely according to user demand, sources said Tuesday.
Dec 7, 2014
'Game of drones' draws us toward apocalypse
Drone technology is relatively simple and cheap to acquire — which is why more than 70 countries, plus nonstate actors like Hezbollah, have combat drones. And that should worry Americans.
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 11, 2014
Robot 'dolphins' give clues to Antarctic melt in data revolution
Dolphin-size robots are giving clues to a thaw of Antarctica's ice in a sign of how technology is revolutionizing data collection in remote polar regions, scientists said on Monday.
BUSINESS / Companies
Nov 6, 2014
Japan, U.S. to launch joint research on methane hydrate
Japan and the United States agreed Thursday to launch joint research into the development of methane hydrate, an energy source also known as burning ice.
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2014
Cutting-edge inventions showcased at Tokyo future-tech expo
Japanese technologies that engage multiple senses, such as virtual reality eyewear and wearable robotics, are being shown off at a Tokyo museum, offering the public a glimpse of a futuristic society.
Japan Times
Oct 10, 2014
Docomo gets a grip on haptic tech with Yubi Navi
Thanks to smartphone GPS apps, getting lost is a thing of the past. The downside is that users’ attention can be dangerously focused on the smartphone screen and not the road ahead.
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2014
Toshiba Glass sets sights on less obtrusive wearable tech
Some companies, most famously Google Inc., are seeing the future of wearable tech in eyewear devices.
Japan Times
Oct 8, 2014
Looking for something special? Gaze-tracking tech knows the answer
When you go shopping, your eyes naturally scan the products on shop shelves and racks and eventually pause or return to an object of desire.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2014
CEATEC kicks off with 4K TVs, wearable devices at the forefront
Japan's biggest consumer electronics and IT trade show kicked off Tuesday in Chiba Prefecture with major firms showing upcoming products and giving an insight into their current research and development. Technologies on display ranged from 4K televisions and fuel-cell and hydrogen technology to wearable...
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
Technology, business rub elbows at STS confab
The annual Science and Technology in Society Forum, a three-day international gathering of scientists, engineers, university and government officials and corporate heads, kicked off Sunday with discussions on issues ranging from climate change to energy efficiency.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2014
Comfy life amid stagnation
While information and communications technologies have increased the conveniences and comforts of life in Japan to an unprecedented level, the nation's economy remains stagnant, partly because of the saturation of the auto market.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan