Tag - rachel-mcadams



Japan Times
Jan 18, 2017
'Doctor Strange': When seeing is not always believing
In case you're wondering if the entire superhero film genre is being monopolized by Marvel, it is my regrettable duty to tell you that it does look that way. There are no superhero free agents out there anymore, and if a lone wolf should be found lurking on a street corner, a Marvel representative will surely appear with a briefcase to offer a deal, a cape and a back story of a traumatic childhood or other circumstances to explain the triggering of mysterious powers.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2016
'Southpaw': Boxing that lacks punching power
Just because you've seen this story before doesn't mean you shouldn't see it again ... I think. "Southpaw" is an excessive, some may even say maniacal, retread of boxing movie classics such as the "Rocky" franchise, "The Fighter" and "Raging Bull. But it's so well performed and extravagantly financed you almost forget to complain about those glaring similarities. The wife isn't named Adrian, but she might as well as well be, judging by the way Billy Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal — with kickass abs) can't seem to do anything without asking her first.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2016
‘Spotlight’: a beacon for investigative journalism
In 1976 the film "All the President's Men" portrayed the true story of Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford) uncovering the Watergate Scandal. It wasn't the first time in cinema that journalists took center stage, but it was one of few films that focused intently on their craft. "All the President's Men" bagged four Oscars including, aptly, best writing / screenwriting.
Japan Times
Nov 25, 2015
Mark Osborne's 'Little Prince' adaptation keeps it in the family
A cinematic adaptation of "The Little Prince," Antoine de Saint-Exupery's beloved 1943 novella, is a risky proposition. There have been adaptations before, including the live-action version directed by Stanley Donen in 1974, but none have really captured the magic of the original book, or have done justice to Saint-Exupery's distinctive, cherished drawings. Now, however, "The Little Prince" ("Hoshi no Ojisama to Watashi") has opened in Japan, approximately four months before its U.S. release, slated for March 18, 2016.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces