Tag - japan



Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jul 6, 2010
Good news and bad news for manga lovers
Manga publishers vow to crack down on scanlation but hope comes from other quarters.
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jul 5, 2010
Japan by the numbers (07.05.10)
Surveys say ... mabo-dofu and Softbank are in; unshaven legs are out.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / Japan Pulse
Jul 5, 2010
What's it gonna be - kawaii or interi?
Accessories add that extra, often crucial, touch. So you want cute bunny ears or ultra-nerd specs?
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Jul 1, 2010
Yama girls take to the great outdoors
Eco-consciousness and thirst for a new trend breeds the mountain-skirt wearing yama girls, coming to a power spot near you.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Jun 29, 2010
Morning ramen, breakfast of Tokyoites
Ramen. It's what's for breakfast.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / Japan Pulse
Jun 29, 2010
Designers rock the yukata
Buoyed by a renewed popularity in made-in-Japan traditions, designers are updating the yukata of summer with both retro and modern designs.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Jun 28, 2010
Who will feed the Haruki Murakami fans online?
Author Haruki Murakami has 60,000 followers on one Twitter account. But where is the real Web presence of Murakami?
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Jun 28, 2010
Japan by the numbers (06.28.10)
If you count the numbers, looks like some Japanese are having an identity crisis.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Jun 24, 2010
New drinks crackle and fizz with invention
Thirsty for something new? How about beverages for shaking, shooting and popping?
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Jun 22, 2010
For when raindrops keep falling on our heads
The tsuyu season is no fun in Japan but don't let it rain your parade.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jun 21, 2010
Big (Only) in Japan? 'Greensleeves'
Thank you for calling. All of our operators are busy. Please listen to 'Greensleeves' for an eternity.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Jun 21, 2010
Gyaru get cooking
Ajinomoto takes gyaru mamas seriously and targets this demographic with a cooking site for mobile phones.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Jun 17, 2010
Drinks on the house . . . all around
In a bid to get more punters in the door, more pubs are slashing prices and even putting drinks on the house.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Jun 17, 2010
Unbridle your inner carnivore
How do you like your raw horse meat served? Lean, medium or fatty?
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Jun 15, 2010
Japan by the numbers (06.15.10)
Big in Japan: iPads, computer skills and whiskey. Not so big: brushing teeth at work, going to the theater for 3-D.
Japan Times
Jun 13, 2010
Beneath the Battle of Okinawa
In 1966, Dave Davenport was a mystery to his fellow U.S. Air Force clerks on Okinawa. Whereas they would dress up in their finest threads and make for the clubs of Koza in their free time, Davenport would don the oldest clothes he owned and jump on a local bus heading into the middle of nowhere.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Japan Pulse
Jun 12, 2010
Giving the gift of experience
Why give Dad another tie when you could give him the gift of experience?
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Jun 12, 2010
Pulse Rate: 'Free rent' pricing aims to fill up empty apartments
To fill the dead spot in the annual real estate calendar, realtors have taken to renting apartments at low, low rates.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jun 11, 2010
I want my Ustream TV
Don't have time to catch a particular gig? Thanks to new tech and sites like Ustream, you might be able to rock on from your cubicle.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / Japan Pulse
Jun 8, 2010
Divorcing couples seek solace in ring-smashing ceremonies
Who says a divorce isn't a reason to celebrate? A ring-smashing ceremony may be planting the seeds of a new tradition.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?