Tag - discrimination



Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Nov 29, 2014
Working mothers: pioneering the way forward
We talk to five working mothers in an attempt to discover how some women are able to have a career and a family
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2014
Long-term African expats and new migrants alike face growing 'integration gap' in Japan
With dysfunctional Japanese immigration policies having led to a sharp increase in incarceration rates among African immigrants, a growing number have given up on integration in favor of living a double life: married with children in both Japan and Africa.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Nov 24, 2014
For many young British Muslims, tug of peace is stronger than pull of war
For some British Muslims, the path to jihad and the path to peaceful aid work can traverse much of the same terrain.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Nov 22, 2014
Can women really 'shine' under Abe?
The prime minister has vowed to help women break the glass ceiling in the workplace but critics have questioned his motivation.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Nov 22, 2014
Seizing the initiative for women at work
Faced with a domestic economy that is sputtering, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has in recent months attempted to promote a sector that has long been underutilized in Japan — women.
LIFE / Language / THE BUZZ
Nov 22, 2014
Maternity harassment
Maternity harassment refers to various forms of workplace bullying involving pregnancy.
Nov 22, 2014
Yet another issue with job hunting
A case involving a revoked job offer highlights problems with Japan's job-hunting system and its view of female employees.
JAPAN / Society
Nov 13, 2014
MOS Burger employee posts hateful message about Chinese former co-worker outside restaurant
Fast-food giant MOS Burger has come under fire after a Japanese employee wrote a hateful message about a former Chinese co-worker on a chalk-board sign outside one of the company's Tokyo restaurants.
Japan Times
Nov 5, 2014
Does social change in Japan come from the top down or bottom up?
Should bad social habits be thrown out the second-floor window, or patiently cajoled down the stairs and out the front door? Discuss.
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2014
Children of Japanese 'war brides' tell tales of racism, hardship and perseverance
The sons and daughters of American servicemen and their Japanese wives recall the tales their parents told them about adjusting to life in the U.S. in the postwar years.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Oct 30, 2014
In France, kebabs get wrapped up in identity politics
In a country whose national identity is so closely connected to its cuisine, France's hard right has seized on a growing appetite for kebabs as proof of cultural Islamization.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Oct 21, 2014
Female civil servant sues over 'institutional sexism' in her ministry
In what may be a legal first, a female civil servant sues the government over what she calls institutional sexism at the ministry she works for, citing almost two decades of blocked promotions and pay raises.
Japan Times
Oct 19, 2014
DeafJapan opens up the world to the hearing-impaired
DeafJapan provides opportunities for hearing-impaired people in Japan to enjoy activities in English while also linking them up with the global community.
Oct 6, 2014
Curbing hate speech
Hate speech against Korean residents in Japan has become a big enough international issue for the United Nations to urge Tokyo to take steps to deal with the problem.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2014
Daughters tell stories of 'war brides' despised back home and in the U.S.
Three daughters of Japanese 'war brides' plan to capture on film the struggles endured by this shunned and largely hidden immigrant group.
Oct 4, 2014
Yakuza do what Abe Cabinet pick can't
In most countries, police officers and criminals are supposed to be on opposite sides of the law, especially the higher up the chain of command you go, but Prime Minister Shinzo Abe doesn't appear to think this is necessary.
Japan Times
Oct 1, 2014
Readers' letters: Ian Thorpe, the Yushukan, racism, teaching English, tipping and sunlight
Some emails received in response to recent Community articles.
Oct 1, 2014
Osaka mayor prepares to tackle anti-Korean group Zaitokukai
Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto is finalizing plans for a public debate with the right-wing, anti-Korean group Zaitokukai over the definition of hate speech and the need to balance freedom of expression with others' human rights.


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