


Kayo Mimizuka
Japan Times
Aug 11, 2015
Nuclear restart highlights government dilemma over lack of waste disposal sites
With an unpopular return to nuclear power generation, Japan can no longer ignore the elephant in the room: where is the country's highly radioactive nuclear waste going?
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 29, 2015
Pacific trade talks in final stretch as ministers meet in Hawaii
Talks on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership have resumed, as trade ministers from 12 countries meet in a bid to create the world's largest free trade zone in decades.
Jun 26, 2015
Despite TPA, bumpy road ahead for Pacific trade agenda
Hopes are high that the Trans-Pacific Partnership may finally be worked out thanks to the recent passage in the U.S. Congress of a crucial trade bill. But negotiation sources warn that the ambitious free trade agreement is still hanging in the balance.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2015
Japan's food diversity key theme at Milan expo
Most people would think of sushi, tempura and ramen when it comes to Japanese food, but advocates of the nation's cuisine say its culinary culture has many more unique dimensions.
Japan Times
Apr 21, 2015
U.S. and Japan scramble to advance TPP amid China's rise
Japan and the United States report significant progress after marathon talks on a free trade pact considered crucial to countering China's ascent.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics / FOCUS
Mar 19, 2015
Critics blast U.N. disaster risk framework as insufficient
The U.N. conference that wrapped up early Thursday in Sendai was the highest-level international meeting on disaster risk reduction ever, but the resulting set of seven goals to combat disasters are far from ambitious, critics say.
Mar 16, 2015
UNDP chief calls for pre-emptive spending to reduce disaster risks
The international community needs to invest more in pre-emptive measures to reduce risks from natural disasters, rather than spending a lot after they happen, according to the head of the U.N. Development Program.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Mar 10, 2015
Japan's rebound from recession weaker than estimated: GDP revision
The economy grew at a slower pace than initially estimated in the final quarter of 2014, as corporate capital spending declined amid the weak recovery in consumer demand following last year's consumption tax hike, government data said Monday.
Japan Times
Mar 7, 2015
Japan set to share lessons of 2011 disasters at U.N. forum in Sendai
Japan prepares to pass on knowledge gleaned from the 3/11 quake and tsunami with global leaders at a U.N. disaster risk reduction conference this week.
Japan Times
Jul 22, 2014
Kagoshima nuclear plant evacuation plans 'flawed'
With the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture poised to be restarted as early as this fall, experts and critics are pointing to flaws in the evacuation plan drawn up by prefectural authorities, stirring doubt among nearby residents.
BUSINESS / Economy
Jul 2, 2014
TPP nations set to meet in Ottawa as U.S. pushes for deal
Officials from the 12 countries involved in a Pacific free trade initiative will seek to advance their stalled talks during a meeting in Ottawa starting Thursday, following U.S. President Barack Obama's call for an agreement on the framework by November.
May 21, 2014
TPP talks progress, no completion
A broad Pacific trade accord appears nowhere in sight after ministers from 12 countries failed to specify a timeline for striking a deal, despite the efforts of Japan and the United States to inject impetus by highlighting the progress they made on tariffs in bilateral talks last month.
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2014
Singapore TPP talks fail to reach a deal
Ministers from 12 Pacific-Rim countries failed Tuesday to achieve the goal of reaching a broad agreement on an envisioned regional free trade deal due to remaining gulfs over such key outstanding issues as tariff elimination.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2014
'Dog yoga' catching on with pet lovers and their canines
An unusual fitness practice whose adherents believe strengthens the bond between dog and owner has taken hold among devotees of the two- and four-legged variety.
Japan Times
Dec 11, 2013
Bridging Japan-U.S. gaps key to keeping TPP ball rolling
After failing to reach a deal by the much-touted 2013 deadline, the 12 economies negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership have pledged to keep striving for solutions to thorny issues, with the prospect of Japan-U.S. talks over farm products and cars as one of the keys for an early conclusion of the...
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2013
Race is on to develop self-driving autos
Cars that drive themselves used to be a pipe dream, only to be seen in the movies. But with cars already packed with information technology, the idea is no longer far-fetched for global automakers, and the competition is heating up.
May 8, 2013
Discord in East Asia overshadows financial cooperation
Asia-Pacific finance chiefs vowed to work together to further local growth during the Asian Development Bank's annual meeting, but acute friction among the region's three largest economies — China, Japan and South Korea — cast a shadow over this ambition.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2013
Dreamliners to fly again, but public trust yet to be restored
Is the flying public ready to re-embrace the Boeing 787 Dreamliner? Three months after the plane was grounded, it's set to return to the skies even though the root cause of its battery trouble remains unknown.
Nov 29, 2012
Southeast Asia draws renewed look as investment destination
Japanese firms have renewed their focus on Southeast Asian countries as investment destinations as they increasingly seek to disperse their operations from China amid the Senkakus territorial dispute.
Nov 10, 2012
Senkakus backlash slashes carmakers' earnings outlook
Rampant anti-Japan sentiment in China looks certain to slash the full-year earnings results of Japanese automakers operating in the country, although some analysts argue the bitter fallout from the Senkakus row could become a stepping stone to enhanced global competitiveness.


Traditional folk rituals like Mizudome-no-mai (dance to stop the rain) provide a sense of agency to a population that feels largely powerless in the face of the climate crisis.
As climate extremes intensify, Japan embraces ancient weather rituals