Tag - security-alliance



Jan 20, 2020
The state of the Japan-U.S. alliance at 60
Over the longer term, the alliance must cope with a growing sense of fatigue among the U.S. public about overseas engagements.
JAPAN / Politics
Mar 20, 2018
Caroline Kennedy sees Okinawa as key to security ties with Japan
Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy said Monday that Okinawa is the linchpin to the U.S.-Japan security alliance.
Nov 15, 2016
U.S. and Asia: delicate balance, perilous pivot
What can East Asia expect from the Trump presidency?
Aug 29, 2016
Trump has upset U.S. allies
It's time to kick America's prosperous and capable friends off the U.S. defense dole and let them take responsibility for their own security.
Japan Times
May 2, 2016
Trump: the isolationist's apprentice
If a Trump presidency does emerge, it will be a loss for the Republican Party, the U.S. as a whole, and its allies.
Mar 29, 2016
Security legislation takes effect
Japan's postwar defense posture underwent a major change this week as new security legislation took effect, but how the government plans to implement the laws remains unclear.
Mar 29, 2016
Sorry Donald, America is not a poor country
Americans may feel poor, but that's only because the U.S.' stunted economic growth can't satisfy all their demands.
Oct 5, 2015
U.S. should charge the world for defending it
if U.S. policymakers can't get over the idea of attempting to manage the affairs of every other nation, at least they should insist on charging for services provided at American citizens' expense.
Sep 15, 2015
Time for South Korea to defend itself
With double the population of North Korea and an economy 40 times larger, South Korea can defend itself without America's help.
Japan Times
May 25, 2015
Correctly understanding Japan's postwar history
Japan's mission should be to provide humanitarian solutions to the problems confronting the victims of conflicts rather than engage in war in the name of collective self-defense.
May 22, 2015
Security bills raise critical questions
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must discuss the potential downside of security legislation that would usher in a major shift in the nation's postwar defense posture.
Apr 28, 2015
How far is Japan willing to go to back the United States?
What was once America's most stable relationship in Asia is moving into the category of 'it's complicated.'
Apr 28, 2015
New regime for security alliance
The latest revision to the guidelines on Japan-U.S. defense cooperation potentially expands the scope of the Self-Defense Forces' joint operation with the U.S. military on a global scale in ways that transcend the original architecture of the postwar security treaty between the two countries.
Apr 21, 2015
Resolving the Henoko standoff
The Abe adminstration must take Okinawa's popular will seriously and find a solution to the standoff over the relocation of Air Station Futenma.
Apr 13, 2015
Time for the U.S. to militarily disengage from Northeast Asia
North Korea is Northeast Asia's biggest security problem, but it is not — or at least should not be — America's security problem.
Japan Times
Mar 24, 2015
America's bickering allies
After spending the last six decades defending South Korea and Japan, the U.S. has every reason to demand that its two longtime allies enhance their military cooperation.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 12, 2014
Defense pact to reflect SDF shift
The Cabinet's decision to lift the ban on collective defense will be reflected when Tokyo and Washington revise their defense cooperation guidelines later this year.
Apr 24, 2014
Reaffirming the Japan-U.S. alliance
Pime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting U.S. President Barack Obama play up the 'unshakable' alliance between Japan and the U.S. as the cornerstone of peace and security in Asia.
Mar 2, 2014
Abe courting equality or estrangement in quest
In Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's view, Japan needs to regain, wherever possible, the right of independent decision-making if it is to manage successfully the challenge posed to it by China. He seeks a policy of voluntary cooperation with the U.S.
Aug 22, 2013
Multilateral accord presents pitfall if alliances are missing
South Korean President Park Geun-hye's call for multilateral dialogue in Northeast Asia is premature without a framework for military cooperation with Japan, South Korea and the U.S.


Things may look perfect to the outside world, but today's mom is fine with some imperfection at home.
How 'Reiwa moms' are reshaping motherhood in Japan