Tag - prefecture



Aug 13, 2014
GSDF to station unit on Amami-Oshima for island defense
The Defense Ministry asked local authorities on Tuesday for their cooperation in establishing a Ground Self-Defense Force unit on Amami-Oshima Island as part of efforts to boost the defense of remote islands in the region.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Aug 11, 2014
Body found in box by road identified as that of missing Saitama teen
A body found in a cardboard box on a roadside in Tochigi Prefecture was that of a 16-year-old girl from Saitama Prefecture who went missing nearly two years ago, police said Monday.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Aug 9, 2014
Sun-dazed on a distant archipelago
It didn't take long for a seasoned group of truck drivers to stake their claim to the best seats in the house or, in this case, ferry. They positioned themselves on tiny plastic seats at the rear of the open deck as the ferry left Tomari Port in Naha City, Okinawa, bound for the island of Kumejima. More...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 9, 2014
Defense Ministry shelves proposal to shift U.S. Ospreys to Saga
The Defense Ministry has decided to lay aside a proposal to temporarily relocate the U.S. military's local MV-22 Osprey fleet to Saga Airport from Okinawa Prefecture, after the United States raised objections, a government source said Friday night.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Aug 2, 2014
Slow food and fast water in a rural corner of Kumamoto
It starts off as a dull roar, prompting those of us sitting in the rice paddies to look skyward in anticipation. Then it builds, in the same way an orchestra tunes its instruments: first discordantly out of key before reaching a crescendo of perfect pitch. At noon exactly, the water pours forth and the...
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2014
Tsunami-swept signboard that washed up in Hawaii returns to Iwate
A signboard that was swept out to sea in the March 2011 tsunami and washed up on a Hawaiian island was returned Wednesday to its home village in Iwate Prefecture.
Jul 26, 2014
Tsunami-hit Iwate Prefecture beach reopens for first time since 3/11
A beach devastated by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami disaster in Iwate Prefecture reopened Saturday after three years of work to remove debris from sand and in the water to ensure safety.
Japan Times
Jul 23, 2014
Emperor, Empress visit shopping center in disaster-hit Minamisanriku
Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited a makeshift shopping center in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, which was devastated in the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami that claimed more than 15,000 lives.
Japan Times
Jul 21, 2014
Atami: What do you make of this statue of a jilted gent kicking a girl while she's down?
Gracing the shoreline in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a statue unique among the many in Japan that celebrate local legends or famous historical figures: A work depicting a man kicking a woman.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jul 19, 2014
Yabusame archers of the lonely Chugoku Mountains
What are those peculiar scarecrow figures, lolling about the villages of the Chugoku Mountains?
Japan Times
Jul 9, 2014
Tsunami-hit town releases new disaster prep map
An updated tsunami evacuation map has been released by officials in the disaster-hit town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, and includes warnings and important safety tips.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 8, 2014
First Fukushima gubernatorial election since nuke crisis set for Oct. 26
The Fukushima gubernatorial election will be held Oct. 26, with official campaigning starting Oct. 9, the prefectural election board said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2014
Aichi researchers track doe in bid to reduce crop damage
The Aichi Prefectural Government is using GPS to track wild deer and research new ways to keep them from damaging crops in mountainous areas.
Jul 3, 2014
Mayor to sue over Cabinet's decision to permit collective self-defense
A mayor in Mie Prefecture said Thursday he is planning to file a lawsuit over the Cabinet's decision to allow Japan to use the U.N. right to collective self-defense, because he believes it is unconstitutional.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2014
Cube watermelon shipments begin in Kagawa
This year's crop of square watermelons is ready.
Japan Times
Jun 15, 2014
State-of-the-art dog shelter opens in Kansai
A new ARK facility to house rescued dogs in Hyogo Prefecture sets a new standard for animal welfare centers in Japan.
Jun 8, 2014
Magnitude-5.2 earthquake jolts Tohoku
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.2 jolted northeastern parts of Japan on Sunday afternoon, the Meteorological Agency reported.
Japan Times
May 18, 2014
Stone, sweat and stamps: chasing Jizos in Kamakura
Amy Chavez gets to know Jizo Bosatsu — the Buddhist deity who looks after travelers and children — a little better, by embarking on a 24-site Jizo Pilgrimage jog through Kamakura.
Japan Times
May 18, 2014
World Cup 2014 views from Ishikawa: USA and Australia
A Team USA fan and a Socceroo follower in Komatsu, Ishikawa Prefecture, discuss their teams' prospects in next month's FIFA World Cup in Brazil.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
May 17, 2014
Oya: The town that turned to stone
It's always good to know something about the ground under your feet when you visit a new destination.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan