Sample newspaper article



Words and phrases

日航 (にっこう) Japan Airlines Co.

ロンドン発 (ろんどんはつ) departing London

羽田行き (はねだいき, はねだゆき) to Haneda

副操縦士 (ふくそうじゅうし) copilot

大量飲酒 (たいりょういんしゅ) heavy drinking

~を理由に (~をりゆうに) due to~

英国 (えいこく) United Kingdom

現地警察 (げんちけいさつ) local police

逮捕される (たいほされる) to be arrested

~を巡り (~をめぐり) regarding ~, over ~

同社 (どうしゃ) said company

国土交通省 (こくどこうつうしょう) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

再発防止策 (さいはつぼうしさく) preventive measures

問題 (もんだい) problem

経緯 (けいい) background

まとめる to summarize

調査報告書 (ちょうさほうこくしょ) investigative report

提出する (ていしゅつする) to submit

乗務開始 (じょうむかいし) start of flight operation

24時間前から (にじゅうよじかんまえから) 24 hours before

飲酒 (いんしゅ) drinking

禁じる (きんじる) to ban

暫定の (ざんていの) tentative

当面 (とうめん) for the time being

継続する (けいぞする) to continue, to stay in place

全日空 (ぜんにっくう) All Nippon Airways Co.

同日 (どうじつ) the same day

グループ会社 (ぐるーぷがいしゃ) group company

機長 (きちょう) pilot

諭旨退職 (ゆしたいしょく) retirement under instruction

前日 (ぜんじつ) the day before

体調不良 (たいちょうふりょう) poor health

交代 (こうたい) replace

遅れ (おくれ) delay

出す (だす) to cause, to result in

~に関して (~にかんして) regarding ~, in response to ~

同様に (どうように) also

Quick questions

1) 日航の副操縦士が英国警察に逮捕されたのはなぜですか。

2) 日航の再発防止策の一つは何ですか。

3) 全日空のグループ会社の機長はなぜ遅れを出したのですか。


Japan Airlines (JAL) submitted an investigative report to the transport ministry on Nov. 16 concerning the arrest of one of its copilots by British police due to his heavy drinking before a London to Haneda flight. The report that was submitted summarized preventive measures as well as the background of the problem. The tentative preventive measures, which ban drinking 24 hours before a flight will remain in place for the time being.

The same day, All Nippon Airways (ANA) also submitted a report to the government regarding flight delays caused by the replacement of one of its pilots — who was "instructed to retire" — after he was found to be in poor health from drinking the day before.


1) Why was a Japan Airlines copilot arrested by British police?


Due to heavy drinking.

2) What was one of Japan Airlines' preventive measures?


To ban drinking (by pilots) 24 hours before a flight.

3) Why did an All Nippon Airways pilot cause a flight delay?


Because of his poor health from drinking the day before his flight.