The Harumafuji scandal continues to morph almost daily and at the time of writing appears to be evolving into a pitched battle between stablemaster Takanohana and the Japan Sumo Association.

As details emerge, what initially seemed clear-cut, is now a lot murkier and it has become much harder to predict the final outcome. All involved though admit Harumafuji became involved in a recent physical altercation with fellow Mongolian Takanoiwa — one that left the latter needing medical treatment. Regardless of the seriousness of Takanoiwa's injuries — and they are in dispute — it's hard to see Harumafuji surviving.

Yokozuna are held to higher standards and any attempt to limit his punishment to a suspension will likely result in a public backlash. Indeed the groundwork for that outcry is already being laid, as the usual talking heads are wheeled out on variety shows to tut-tut their disapproval and shock.