Having read commentaries by Stephen R. Nagy, (“Misreading the Chinese tea leaves: A dangerous escalation,” July 31) and Kuni Miyake (“How Tokyo sees Pompeo’s 'Communist China' speech,” Aug. 4), I felt that they mainly asked the U.S. for self-control and rather defended the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

I understand that the world society doesn’t want any serious conflict between these two powerful countries, especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. However, taking into consideration why the U.S. government made the July 23 speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, we cannot overlook various controversial acts committed one after another by the CCP government: Serious human rights violations against the Uighurs, Hong Kongers and others, maritime territorial ambitions for the Senkakus in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the border conflict between India and China, large-scale espionage and theft of information from the U.S. government, laboratories and enterprises, and the spread of the virus originating in Wuhan by hiding relevant information.

These acts by the CCP government caused the U.S. rage at the highest level of government. Although many people admire the Chinese economic success, we should note that the success was also attained at the sacrifice of the U.S. and other democratic countries.

When we review Pompeo’s speech, we don’t have to see just one side, but also the other side should be taken into consideration.

Hirokazu Sato

Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.