In his March 30 column, "I told you so: Only idiots believed in Russiagate," Ted Rall implies he has seen the full Mueller report. Otherwise, how would he know Trump is off the hook? Rall should make it available to everyone.

We need to know: Does Mueller confess that his entire investigation has been a scam? That he knew from the beginning it was a humongous hoax perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and the reanimated corpse of Joseph McCarthy? A confession by Mueller himself that he lied about all the Trumpeters who lied about their dealings with Russia, and that they will subsequently receive full pardons?

I'd love to see that report. But until you do post it, I'll have to go with the leaks so far, as reported by The Japan Times' sister publication, The New York Times — Russia hacked the DNC servers and leaked the info with the intent of undermining U.S. elections; Russia orchestrated a massive propaganda effort with the same intent; Trump ran an election campaign whose members were manipulated by a sophisticated Russian intelligence operation; and Trump has not been exonerated.



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