The news of the murders in Zama, Kanagawa Prefecture, is so shocking that I cannot find the words to describe the unspeakable cruelty of the murderer or my unbearable grief for the nine victims.

According to the editorial "Zama murders and malicious online intent" in the Nov. 10 edition, "many of the people on SNS do not necessarily wish to die. Instead they want somebody to listen to their problems." The Zama suspect reportedly told police that none of the nine victims really wanted to die.

Then why did he kill them, knowing that all came to his apartment to talk with him? One of his motives was theft, he reportedly told police.

He used social networking services to contact and communicate with the victims. He got all the necessary information for the crime from the internet.

As everybody knows, we must tame our minds always. Without conquering the serpent of our minds, we will become like a car with no brakes, which is a lethal weapon that can harm or kill others without mercy.

All of us must learn the danger of "encounters with others on the internet." And I agree with the statement in the editorial that "efforts to fight the problem must continue ... the situation cannot be left as it is." Every possible measure must be discussed, planned and done immediately to prevent horrible crimes such as this.

Everybody has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (the Japanese Constitution, Chapter III, Article 13).

I sincerely pray for the repose of the nine souls and the victims' families.



The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.