Regarding the June 26 AP article "Oi restart rush blasted as new crisis": I am sick of all the talk about Japanese nuclear energy policy measures, but I cannot help opposing the government's and the utility companies' attitudes. It may be true that, without nuclear power stations, electricity outages would occur, which would seriously damage the Japanese economy.

Still, I wonder what the government and utility companies have actually been doing for the past 15 months since the Fukushima nuclear plant accidents happened.

Why has it taken more than a year to make fundamental improvements, such as adequately widening roads to nuclear power stations for emergency use and providing filters that prevent the outside discharge of radioactive substances?

Where is the Japanese state-of-the-art technologies in construction and other fields for expediting services?

Even laymen could have predicted some measures needed in the future. The Fukushima crisis occurred apparently without the Japanese making use of their world-renown "K Computer"!

These incidents smack of the collusive nature between the government and the utility companies. It is high time that the government and utility companies quit deluging us with subjective reports on the ostensible reasons for the catastrophe from meaningless or nonbinding Diet panels. Instead, they should implement measures needed by residents in the stricken areas.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

shuichi john watanabe