As far as I can tell, Donald Feeney, in his Dec. 15 letter, "Arguments that invite criticism," has failed to explain what is hypocritical about Hiroaki Sato's Nov. 28 article on American immigration policies. Hypocrisy is the espousal of an ethical standard that is contrary to one's own behavior. If Sato had claimed that Japanese policies are beyond reproach, then perhaps Feeney would have a point.

Apparently, Feeney takes issue with Sato's failure to bring up Japan in his Nov. 28 column. I don't believe that Sato has any obligation to do so just because he is Japanese. In fact, I applaud Sato for leaving it out. This nationalistic mania for comparison only muddies the issue. Feeney is right about one thing: I'm still puzzled.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

brett gross