The Oct. 23 Lifelines article, "NHK: To pay or not to pay," was timely in that I recently told the NHK collector to return next month for payment, and informed him that this action was the only way to show my displeasure with NHK for interrupting an after-midnight program to break the news of an earthquake somewhere on Earth.

How many are awake during the wee hours of the morning, are watching TV, are tuned to NHK, and are delighted that their program has been replaced by news that the Earth has had a slight shiver?

If payment is made mandatory, viewers will no longer be able to express their dissatisfaction with programming. NHK's seeking a cash cow is understandable. Legal duress would milk the cow. Next month I'll pay the collector ¥2,790, but systematic payment is not guaranteed.

michael g. driver