A 14-year-old girl was arrested Wednesday after allegedly stabbing her mother at their apartment in Aichi Prefecture, police have said.

The 40-year-old mother was found collapsed on a futon mattress by rescuers after an ambulance call was made at around 1:15 a.m. She was taken to a hospital and later confirmed dead.

The daughter, a junior high school student in her second year living in the town of Oharu, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder. Due to the mother's death, police are now expected to investigate the case as murder.

The suspect nodded when a police officer asked if she had killed her mother but did not appear able to properly respond to questions, according to the police.

The girl is suspected to have stabbed her mother in the abdomen with a kitchen knife at around 1:10 a.m. Her younger sister was also in the apartment when the incident occurred, the police said.