A cow cloned from cells contained in mammary-gland fluid has successfully given birth in Hokkaido, resulting in the world's first offspring of its kind, officials involved in the project said Wednesday.

Officials from Ebetsu-based Rakuno Gakuen University working in cooperation with Snow Brand Milk Products Co. said the male calf weighing 40 kg was born early Monday at the university.

The calf, which was reportedly healthy and apparently normal at birth, has now been killed to allow anatomical and tissue tests.

Two cows were cloned in April 1999 at Snow Brand's research center in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, which deals with the transplant of fertilized eggs.

Officials said the two were born from cells contained in colostrum, or foremilk, which is fluid secreted by their mammary glands during birth and before formation of milk.

The other cloned cow is expected to give birth Aug. 9.