A top official of the Financial Supervisory Agency on Tuesday voiced disapproval at a portion of the financial-stabilization bills submitted by opposition parties to the Diet.

Hideichiro Hamanaka, deputy FSA commissioner, took aim at the opposition's proposal that calls for the establishment of an independent committee to lead financial policymaking. "In general, (such a) committee would have difficulties," Hamanaka told a regular news conference. Swift decision-making in the current, critical situation, for instance, is questionable, he said.

That risk should be considered during Diet deliberations, he added. The opposition camp has said their proposed Financial Reviving Committee, to be formed under the National Government Organization Law, would guarantee fair and transparent administration. The FSA would be placed under this committee.

The plan is part of a package of financial bills submitted jointly by the Democratic Party of Japan, the Liberal Party and the Heiwa-Kaikaku parliamentary group.