Most media — Konbini Watch included — get a kick out of novelty offerings. Offbeat flavors and clear beverages nab headlines, but sometimes basic quality rises above the rest. That's the case with a recent offering that has become a hit online in Japan.

Seven-Eleven's Waffle Cone Milk Vanilla item is part of the chain's Seven Premium Gold line. The ice cream (¥300) is pretty straightforward, featuring a nice swirl of the white stuff in a waffle cone. Nothing special, but people on Twitter and other social media sites have raved about how tasty it is.

And those online are right! Everything about this Milk Vanilla cone offers a tastier version of Seven-Eleven's ho-hum regular vanilla treat.

The ice cream has a nice milky flavor alongside the vanilla, and the cone adds even more sweetness to the overall package (unlike the mostly tasteless regular cone). It's simple, but sometimes keeping it basic works best.