Not only did the U.S. government give us the Internet, but it has posted a recipe for vanilla ice cream as well. It's actually a photo of a recipe handwritten by Thomas Jefferson, one of the architects of that government, sometime in the 1780s. Click on "Holograph recipe, 1870s." A shopping site hosts the home pages of the White Mountain Freezer Co. Yeh, they're trying to sell their machines but they also present a history of ice-cream making and even give credit to the true inventor of the ice cream freezer, who, ooops, didn't bother to patent her invention 154 years ago. There's also a lot of useful advice under "helpful hints" and plenty of recipes. This page is part of a treasure chest of a site that seems te be called "Pioneer Life/Life in times gone by . . ." It's a series of reminiscings by someone identified simply as "old one," who, if this isn't a concept site, seems to have spent her childhood watching mom and grandma spend all day preparing dinner. Here, "old one" remembers how dad used to chip 12 pounds of ice off a frozen pond while mom prepared a custard that, when dad returned, would be made into ice cream. The recipe for the custard, which looks as though it makes a very rich vanilla ice cream, is tagged on at the end of the story.