In 1991, Japanese writer Koji Suzuki’s frightening creation, a vengeful spirit named Sadako, gripped readers of his bestselling novel “Ringu” with such terror that it spawned a successful franchise. Five sequel novels, eight Japanese films, two television series, six manga adaptations, three English-language film remakes, a South Korean film remake and two video games later, his reputation as a master of horror is secure.

The Shining Sea, by Koji Suzuki,Translated by Brian Bergstrom.256 pagesVERTICAL, Fiction.

Yet, there’s more to Suzuki’s imagination than ghosts intent on revenge. In addition to the “Ringu” novels, he’s published across various genres and is also known for his essay collections on fatherhood as a stay-at-home parent. His latest book to be translated into English, “The Shining Sea,” is an early work that was published in Japan two years after the first “Ringu” novel. Translated by Brian Bergstrom, this tense psychological thriller showcases another facet of Suzuki’s literary brilliance.