Established by the construction and engineering firm Takenaka Corporation, the Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum fprimarily ocuses on traditional architectural techniques and instruments, covering early carpentry tools, plastering methods and sawing apparatus.

This show looks into different roof-construction styles — in particular thatched roofs, such as kaya buki, which are made using grass; cypress-bark hiwada buki; and kokera buki, which uses thinly sliced wooden boards.

Various roofing materials and tools are on display, accompanied by video footage of how thatching is created. One of the highlights is a life-size replica model of a hiwada buki roof — something most visitors are ordinarily unlikely to be able to see close up; till Nov. 27.

Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum; (078) 242-0216; 4-18-25 Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe; 5-min. walk from Kencho-mae Station, Seishin Yamate Line. 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ¥300.